britteastApr 1, 2021We Take Up SpacePride dwells in the energy of spacious authenticity, rather than the convincing of others.
britteastMar 30, 2021What's In a Name?What we choose to call feminine is neither our enemy nor anything to be feared. In fact, "feminine" is a culturally-constituted term...
britteastMar 26, 2021We Don't Require ApprovalNo matter what anyone says, our love is sacred and strong.
britteastMar 16, 2021Our Marriages Are SacredThe pope's refusal to recognize marriage equality says more about him than it does about us.
britteastFeb 10, 2021We've Always Been HereFor queer people, existence is resistance. We have no choice.
britteastFeb 1, 2021We Are HereTo erase us is to eradicate us, so queer people make no apologies about standing tall and taking up space.