britteastSep 29, 2022True WealthWealth is not a specific number in a checking account or on a balance sheet, but a description of our access to options and...
britteastAug 2, 2022The Unwinnable Rat RaceCapitalism keeps us in crisis to preserve power and sustain the status quo.
britteastJun 14, 2022At What Cost RespectabilityWhen we sell corporate sponsorships to gay pride parades, what we're really selling is our risk tolerance in the name of respectability...
britteastMay 29, 2022Make Each MomentWealth is not measured by the gilding of the throne but by the richness of the moment.
britteastApr 28, 2020How to Find FreedomIt’s so tempting to believe that achievement leads to some sort of freedom, as if our life purpose might save us...
britteastApr 20, 2020Band-Aids vs Booster ShotsIn the context of personal growth and development, Band-Aids are those coping mechanisms we use to manage stress, but often inadvertently...
britteastApr 20, 2020You've Paid EnoughWe can only really give what we have. During the holidays it can be so tempting for us to try and mask our shortcomings with excessive...
britteastApr 20, 2020It’s Time to Get Real About Your FinancesWhen it comes to achieving true financial independence, many of us lack the tools we need to get out of the starting gates....