britteastFeb 10, 2021We've Always Been HereFor queer people, existence is resistance. We have no choice.
britteastFeb 7, 2021We Could Be OneGranting each other the space for grace and the room for redemption might make a global family of us, if we let it.
britteastFeb 5, 2021Take Your TimeSo much of our sadness stems from our souls' inability to match our mental mania. Maybe, just maybe it's time to slow down a little.
britteastFeb 3, 2021The Magic of AlchemyOur wounds are less the marks of shame than the seeds of initiation.
britteastFeb 1, 2021We Are HereTo erase us is to eradicate us, so queer people make no apologies about standing tall and taking up space.
britteastJan 31, 2021Nowhere But Here"Are we here yet?" 🙃 God, I love Buddhist humor! We can only ever be here. 🔥 Not "there," as in that photo, but "here," as in...
britteastJan 27, 2021What Lies BeneathWhat's underneath our urgency to change (or "improve") is often a desperate, driving self-hatred, whose antidote is patience and...
britteastJan 26, 2021Perfection, Not ProgressOur souls do not progress. They are intrinsically whole and perfect.
britteastJan 21, 2021It's Up to Us to LoveOur responses to love were largely given to us by our parents and our society. It is our responsibility to transcend those stories...
britteastJan 20, 2021The Cycle of LifeAchievement is its own reward. When we reach our goals, inevitably we find more goals.