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National LGBTQ+ History Month


October is National LGBTQ+ History Month, and October 11 in particular is National Coming Out Day.

This is a great time to honor and reflect on those who have come before us, and consider what we can do to ease the burden of those will come after us. ❤️

The single greatest gift you can give the world is to come out. To live your life openly. To be authentic. To stand tall. And walk with dignity. To be the you of you that you were meant to be. 🔥

Coming out is a lifelong practice. We never stop doing it, and there are no finish lines. And it’s scary. There are real risks involved. Hefty prices to pay. And the potential for unintended consequences.

But I want you to hear something:


You stand on the shoulders of giants: Marsha P. Johnson. Harvey Milk. Bayard Ruston. And so many more.

We all have the capacity to continue their work. Regardless of our various walks of life or current circumstances. And coming out is the best way to do that.

Coming out not only helps you live a life of greater authenticity and togetherness, but it paves the way for future LGBTQ+ people. And awakens the straight world to our plight, our stories, and and our collective dignity. ❤️

We can all find someone safe enough to come out to. To live just a little more authentically. And be unapologetically ourselves.

I believe in you. I believe in all of us. We can do this! 😍 😍 😍

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