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Blog: Blog2

Think Through Your Contingencies


My lovely Queerlings, the audacity of the naïveté I’m witnessing in some of you is jarring.

Neither bluster nor denial nor buyer’s remorse will save you from what’s potentially to come. You won’t be able to appease or capitulate your way out of this. Your wit and charm will be meaningless.

You need to plan for a wide variety of contingencies.

What will you do when marriages between people of the same gender are dissolved nationwide?

What will you do when all government institutions from the federal armed forces to local school districts purge Queer people from its ranks?

What will you do when your private employer fires you, because they claim your mere presence makes your colleagues “uncomfortable?”

What will you do when vigilantes roam the streets with explicit impunity, looking for Queer people to detain, harass, and assault?

What will you do when the internment camps are expanded to include all Queer people, not just those without the requisite paperwork?

What will you do when vaccines are purposely withheld during any one of our currently-looming epidemics? And what if it’s mpox?

Too many of you are outsourcing your personal safety to a feral federal government and an indifferent citizenry through a lack of imagination.

Authoritarianism happens gradually and then all at once. And we have no idea how this cookie's gonna crumble.

But it’s superhero time, and you’re the one you’ve been waiting to save you. So get off your butt and go make a plan.

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